

Myofascial Release: Tight neck and shoulder self-treatment!

upper traps, self trigger point knots, tension headaches treatment

Everyone gets tight neck and shoulders, whether you are an athlete, office worker or new-mum and this easy myofascial release will give you huge relief! How does this Myofascial Release of the neck help? By using gentle pressure on trigger points or using long flowing stretching strokes helps release myofascial pain. This when applied to

Myofascial Release: Tight neck and shoulder self-treatment! Read More »

Thoracic Mobility Exercise: Forget back, neck and shoulder pain

improve your thoracic mobility quick and easy

Mobile Monday: Thoracic mobility The key to many neck and shoulder injuries, your thorax needs to be mobile and in control, otherwise everything working off it, eventually feels the hurt. In this post I will discuss thoracic mobility exercises to help you relive back, neck and shoulder pain. Why is Thoracic Mobility Important? Thoracic mobility

Thoracic Mobility Exercise: Forget back, neck and shoulder pain Read More »

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