We are proud to be able to offer comprehensive, downloadable Rehab Guides.
These guides give you the best exercises, advice, and self-treatment to help you recover strong and fast.
There is no more of taking the “wait and see” approach or relying on pain killers and a friends advice – follow, research guided, Physio Prescribed exercise rehab to take the proactive approach.
We will be gradually adding more guides over 2020.
Sprained Ankle Strengthening Exercises | Home Rehab Guide
Help your sprained ankle get better faster, reduce risk of re-injury and get back to your best through effective sprained ankle strengthening exercises.
Lower Back stretches & Exercises | Complete Home Rehab Guide
This Low Back Stretches and Exercises Guide is for those that want to ease pain and improve their function, mobility and strength. Whether you have had back pain for three […]
FIX your Plantar Fasciitis | Exercise Rehab Guide for Heel Pain
Plantar Fasciitis is massively common and so often poorly understood. Plantar fasciitis affects 10% of the population at some point in their lives About 90% of those cases of plantar […]
The Knee Pain Exercise Rehab Guide
This Knee Pain Rehab Guide brings together expert advice and the top rehab exercises to guide you through the entire process of getting back to your best. Skip repeating doctors […]