Shoulder stretching is an essential part of gaining a Pain-free, functional and strong shoulder. Whether you have had shoulder injury in the past, have tight shoulders due to poor work posture or you just want to have full range for an overhead squat – then these shoulder stretches and for you – all of you!
Shoulder Care Following Injury
Regaining flexibility and range in the joints and soft tissues is an important aspect to the rehab process and if not addressed, you can develop other, secondary injuries such as sub-acromial impingement, postural dysfunction and any number of neck problems.
Poor Posture Makes it Worse
In today’s world, too many of us have sedentary jobs which require a lot of time sitting at a desk or behind the wheel.
This leads tightness in muscles that pull your shoulders forward (namely your Pecs and Upper Traps). It also causes weakness in muscles that hold your shoulder in a good, functional position (lower traps, Serratus ant etc).
This is explained well by the Jandas Upper Crossed Syndrome.
Overhead Squat and Shoulder Range
To hold a barbell overhead and squat down we need great mobility around the shoulder and hip to do this safely.
The main muscle that affects this is the Lat (along with your Glutes and Thoracic extension) as the come all the way from your pelvis to your shoulder.
Ideally you should do these everyday – You can water it down and do it less often but you will not get thew best result and it will take longer.
1. Posterior capsule stretch:
Action: Pull your arm across your body.
Hold for 1 Minute.
2. Triceps and inferior capsule:
Action: gripping the elbow as shown, pull back and across.
Hold for 1 minute.
Tip: bend upper body away from side being stretched.
3. Sleeper stretch:
Lye on your shoulder with your arm in front of you and your elbow bent to 90 degrees. using your free arm, grip your wrist and rotate it down towards your feet until you feel a moderate stretch.
Hold for 1 minute
4. Streamline stretch:
This is a great stretch as it stretches, Pecs , Lats and thoracic spine.
No balls – You do not have to use a Swiss/Physio ball – I use the back of my couch.
Action: when on your knee place both arms on the surface and relax your shoulder and upper back down. you can adjust the force that goes through your shoulders by moving your knees further away or closer.
Hold for 1 minute.
TIP: to get more of a tricep stretch place your hands behind your neck with elbows on the ball/couch!
5: Lat Band Stretch:
The best way I have found for stretching Lats is using a band (a technique picked up from Crossfit) – now you can use a proper exercise band or a simple belt (yes one of the ones that holds your pants up) at home. Below is a nice simple video on how to do it:
Overhead distraction with Band
Hold for 1 minute.
Tip: you can also do this by holding on to a pole.
And THAT my fiends is ten minutes well spent!
For Best results combine the above stretches with a good Shoulder stabilisation regime and you will really reap the rewards.
Note if you feel any pain (other than stretching pain) or have range of motion limitations post surgery then consult a trained health professional.